Books on Her Mind Weekly Recap #4

I don't think I've done one of these weekly posts in succession which I find hilarious. Anyways, I'm just happy to be doing another one of these and have blog plans and ideas lately. I'm basically done with class this semester. I just have finish up some things and complete some student teaching criteria before I start the most stressful semester of my life next year. No biggie.

I'm linking this to The Sunday Post hosted @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Books Read

I've read one book this week people. I read NO books in November. What is becoming of my life??? I still destroyed my Goodreads goal of 150 books so I'm not stressing.


If you don't know I completed my 5k a couple of weeks ago and did way better than expected. I've come up with a tentative schedule that may or ay not work for me. If I can run the whole time for y March race I'll be the happiest person in the world. Also, the Hogwarts Running Club is pretty awesome on facebook. What house are you?


NaNoWriMo... NaNoWriMo... Basically I was behind the whole time because I didn't take it so seriously. Then, I just stopped for the week of y race and didn't continue.... In the end I wrote only 6,714 words. I ended up editing a lot of what I wrote before I continued on this certain chapter where the main character meets the other characters. I plan on editing what I did last and continue on. I don't know how people don't stop and edit along the way. I learned a lot. As I wrote more I felt like when I reflected I got better and better. I'm not a real writer but it was fun and I plan on at least getting to 15,000 words by the end of December. I'll try to post how many words a week I do from now on. I really love the idea of my story but it's just executing it that's going to be hard. Has anyone else done NaNoWriMo before?

Royal Reads/Finds

Reading Next

Mother Daughter Book Club

I'm reading some books with my mama. My family had a book club going on a while back where we read a few books together. I've always wanted to do one with my mom and it's finally happening!!! I told her to pick a book and we just happened to be at a book fair where we saw the author speak. I'll update on how everything goes and maybe little notes on the book. Non-spoilery I promise.

Reading anything good lately?


  1. I've been curious about Dead Society and loved Heartless. Lots of folks do bi-monthly or monthly Sunday Post/recaps. Glad to have you linked up!

    1. Ha! Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I didn't even know about Heartless until I saw it on Kay's blog. I'm so out of the loop. I'm happy you loved it! Gives me the excuse to go looking for it in the library or store. I hope Dead Society is as good as it looks and sounds *crosses fingers*

  2. I've done NaNoWriMo once and got about 20,000 words before life got in the way. Didn't do it this year but I'm seriously considering doing it next year and going for it. I think it's a good experience even if you don't "win"- basically any writing is good and if it motivates it's a good thing.

    I've got Dead Girls Society coming up t read soon and I'm looking forward to it.

    1. I thought so although I wish I could have done 20,000 words. I've never even tried to write anything so it was a good experience. I feel like I'll get better with practice.

      I saw that! Hopefully we both enjoy it.

  3. I basically read nothing for a good 3 or 4 months this year. I hate reading ruts so I hope yours is over quickly. I hope you review Lock & Mori as that one really has caught my eye. Have a lovely week.
    Here's my Sunday Post

    1. It seems to be over. I read a lot more than i blogged but I did have weeks where I read nothing. It seems unbelievable to me really. I did like Lock & Mori but it wasn't fireworks amazing. Thanks you too (:

  4. I just bought Heartless and I'm hoping to read it soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. I'm such a NaNo failure, I didn't even try this year but good for you! Ohh Heartless has been on my TBR, so intrigued! Have a great week :)

    1. Yeah, at least I did something and got most of the beginning out of the way.

  6. I have my eye on Dead Girls Society. And everyone seems to love Marissa Meyer sad truth is I haven't read any of her work yet but I will. Have a great week.

    Megan @ reading away the days

    1. I have not read any of her books either which is just the weirdest thing because her books have such high praise. One day!

  7. I definitely need to read Heartless too soon. It sounds like a great read.
    Love the mother daughter book club idea!!
    Have a great week and Happy reading!

    1. Me too, I need to read her Lunar Chronicles too because it needs to be done already.

  8. Oh something borrowed was a cute read!
    I don't think I can remember the last time I read 0 books in a month. Seriously, I have an addiction! Hope you have a great week!

    1. That's why I felt so troubled! And yay! Someone who has read Something Borrowed.

  9. I didn't read a whole lot in November either. It was just too busy! I say hitting your goal of 150 is AWESEOME! Way to go. Also, doing a 5k, YOU ROCK! I have won NaNo in the past but this year I just didn't have the time. Good luck! Something Borrowed is a good book. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Kay! I just need to buckle down and write next time and during the year.
      Yes! I'm happy to see more people liking Something Borrowed :D

  10. I read Dead Girls Society and I really liked it. It was just creepy enough without being TOO creepy. I think you'll like it.

    Also, I need to get my hands on Prince of Thorns, like, yesterday. That book looks really good!

    Congrats on finishing your 5k! That's awesome. I didn't write a whole lot for NaNoWriMo either, so you're not alone in that department. Life just got in the way.

    Dena @ Batch of Books

    1. Ooh! Good. I want to start reading it a little later today so that's a nice thought to have before I start it.

      I know right!? I just discovered it after a friend on Goodreads was reading the sequel I believe. Such luck finding it!

      Thanks (: - Nice to be not the only one.

  11. Even though NaNo didn't go as planned 6000 words is 6000 words and that in itself is awesome! Hope you enjoy your break from classes!

    1. I definitely will! I do have to work on some stuff for student teaching that is coming up but I can work on it with nothing else in my way which is nice.

  12. Awesome job with NaNo! You are a real writer, because you wrote. :) I have always wanted to give NaNo a try- but my Novembers are usually so crazy (with work).

    I love that you are having a mother daughter book club. My mom and I read almost all of the Emily Giffin books together and discussed them. I read Something Borrowed, Something Blue, He Loves Me Not, Bay Proof and a couple others. One thing I enjoyed is that characters from the books show up in other books in small ways and it is fun to spot them. :)

    Happy reading!

    1. Really? That's such a funny coincidence. I like spotting old characters in new books but then they change or break up from their love interest in the later books which I don't appreciate.


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